Well Hello Again!!! I hope everyone is doing well. I know it has been quiet a while since I have blogged last. And a LOT has happened. In my last installment, I spoke about my 23 and Me discovery. Yes, I have a daughter that I was unaware of. She is about to turn 30 in just a few short weeks. Since that discovery, my wife and I have decided to fore-go the plans to live on the open road for 5-10 years and instead, we have purchased and settled in to a Beautiful Cape Code style home in a small, quaint, little town located in Middle Tennessee. We are at the southern tip of a huge National Recreation area known as Land Between the Lakes, (or LBL according to the locals). In the last past I mentioned that I am a "Lifetime Scholar" and that being the case, I have decided to pursue, and have now obtained, my Tennessee Real Estate License. As I gain experience I have decided to zero in on Vacation / Recreation type properties as well as Specializing in helping Military Families to relocate. (Fort Campbell is less than an hour from my home). Anyways, that is the very shortened version of what I have been up too since my last blog. If any of you reading this happen to decide that you may want to live in this Beautiful State, please, please let me know and I will be more than happy to assist you. 



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